WARNING: the mastermind is only limited to 100 people (33 people in each group)

Jumpstart Kit to

healing after a Relationship


Healing from your heartbreak can feel impossible and overwhelming and many times you feel lonely and alone during this process. You may feel anger, pain, frustration, confusion, and sadness from your relationship heartbreak and you can’t seem to get rid of the pain and emotions that you’re feeling.

There may be certain days where you feel okay and other days  that something triggers you to have all those emotional wounds resurface. If you’ve gone through a heartbreak and you are still hurting from this, it is your time to heal this hurt and your emotional wounds.

These emotions become worse when you feel like you have to face the world and act as though you are not hurting or when  friends and family try to comfort you by saying “it wasn’t meant to be” ,and  “don’t worry, someone else will come”, and  “get over it”. Instead of feeling comforted you feel more alone, and empty inside and unsure of how to start putting back together pieces of your shattered heart.

If this is you, I want to invite you to take this free course. In this course you will learn how to  uncover and heal the deep wounds caused by your heartbreak. 

So if you’re ready to heal from your heartbreak enroll in the course now.

WARNING: the mastermind is only limited to 100 people (33 people in each group)

Jumpstart Kit to

healing after a Relationship


Healing from your heartbreak can feel impossible and overwhelming and many times you feel lonely and alone during this process. You may feel anger, pain, frustration, confusion, and sadness from your relationship heartbreak and you can’t seem to get rid of the pain and emotions that you’re feeling.

There may be certain days where you feel okay and other days  that something triggers you to have all those emotional wounds resurface. If you’ve gone through a heartbreak and you are still hurting from this, it is your time to heal this hurt and your emotional wounds.

These emotions become worse when you feel like you have to face the world and act as though you are not hurting or when  friends and family try to comfort you by saying “it wasn’t meant to be” ,and  “don’t worry, someone else will come”, and  “get over it”. Instead of feeling comforted you feel more alone, and empty inside and unsure of how to start putting back together pieces of your shattered heart.

If this is you, I want to invite you to take this free course. In this course you will learn how to  uncover and heal the deep wounds caused by your heartbreak. 

So if you’re ready to heal from your heartbreak enroll in the course now. 

Free Course

Jumpstart Kit to Healing